Performance of Other Managers
March 31, 2004
Qtr YTD 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 5Yr
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Conservative Large Cap Equity 0.08 0.08 38.03 3.43 4.91 5.99
INVESCO - Enhanced Index 2.03 2.03 34.27 1.63 1.12 -0.56
RhumbLine Advisers - Russell 1000 Index Fund
RhumbLine Advisers - S&P 500 Index Fund
State Street Global Advisors - Large Cap Core Matrix
Weiss, Peck & Greer Investments - Large Cap Disciplined Equity
Russell 1000 1.90 1.90 36.37 1.46 1.26 -0.56
S&P 500 1.69 1.69 35.12 0.83 0.63 -1.20
Wilshire 5000 Value Wtd. Total Perf. 2.61 2.61 39.39 2.91 2.79 0.20
Atlanta Capital Management Company - High Quality Growth Plus -1.13 -1.13 29.15 -1.90 -2.08 -0.91
Colony Capital Management - Domestic Equity 2.87 2.87 31.82 2.56 -0.23 -1.42
Davis, Hamilton, Jackson & Associates, L. P. - Quality Growth -0.67 -0.67 23.44 -2.43 -0.79 -1.55
Deutsche Asset Management - Large Cap Core Growth Equity 2.01 2.01 30.47 0.12 0.09 1.01
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Institutional Growth 4.89 4.89 37.16 -0.67 -0.29 1.77
Freedom Capital Management, LLC - Core Growth Equity
Freedom Capital Management, LLC - Pure Growth Equity
GLOBALT Investments - Diversified Larger Cap Growth 1.61 1.61 34.94 -1.41 -3.23 -3.64
ICC Capital Management, Inc. - Active Core Equity 3.33 3.33 55.34 0.51 2.19 7.13
ING Investment Management Americas - Large Cap Growth S & P 500
Montag & Caldwell, Inc. - Large Cap Growth 2.01 2.01 22.15 -3.45 -1.24 -3.21
Northern Trust Global Investment Services - Northern Trust Large Cap Growth -0.58 -0.58 21.46 -3.43 -2.83 -0.66
PEA Capital LLC - Large Cap Growth 4.48 4.48 35.19 -2.62 -3.01 -3.96
RhumbLine Advisers - Russell 1000 Growth Index Fund
Roxbury Capital Management, LLC - Large Cap - Gross 1.78 1.78 30.09 -3.16 -5.90 -7.72
Sawgrass Asset Management LLC - Large Cap Growth Equity 0.55 0.55 28.82 1.83 2.88 -0.36
State Street Global Advisors - Large Cap Growth
Russell 1000 Growth 0.79 0.79 32.18 -1.61 -1.74 -6.13
S&P 500/Barra Growth 0.03 0.03 26.74 -1.61 0.49 -4.76
Your Equities           2.12% 2.12% 37.02% 1.29% 1.36% -2.02%
a division of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith, & Co. Page 19
Performance of Other Managers
March 31, 2004
Qtr YTD 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 5Yr
Buckhead Capital Management - Value Equity - Low P/E 3.95 3.95 45.23 4.71 8.67 9.12
Crawford Investment Counsel - Value Equity 4.56 4.56 32.85 2.79 5.58 5.15
DePrince, Race and Zollo Inc. - Large Cap Value Equity 1.50 1.50 50.45 6.71 12.75 11.44
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Value  - Institutional 2.67 2.67 34.22 1.22 2.99 3.36
Freedom Capital Management, LLC - Lg Cap Value-Core Value Composite
HGK Asset Management, Inc. - Large Cap Value Equity 4.35 4.35 49.51 3.10 5.24 4.80
ICC Capital Management, Inc. - Core Value 2.21 2.21 46.46 1.88 4.70 3.46
INVESCO - Large Cap Value Equity 0.74 0.74 38.78 0.56 0.86 -0.62
Oppenheimer Capital - Value Equity 3.17 3.17 40.46 4.56 4.72 6.61
RhumbLine Advisers - Russell 1000 Value Index Fund
State Street Global Advisors - Large Cap Value
Westwood Management Corporation - REIT Portfolio 10.83 10.83 47.52 20.95 21.91 18.62
Russell 1000 Value 3.03 3.03 40.82 4.27 4.31 3.89
S&P 500/Barra Value 3.35 3.35 44.14 3.15 0.60 2.05
GLOBALT Investments - Mid Cap Growth 6.30 6.30 45.81 2.89 3.31 5.60
HGK Asset Management, Inc. - Mid Cap Value Equity 3.28 3.28 56.45 11.95 17.31 11.89
RhumbLine Advisers - S&P 400 Index Fund
Roxbury Capital Management, LLC - Small to Medium Capitalization Equity 7.92 7.92 57.27 5.50 4.01 7.74
State Street Global Advisors - Mid-Cap Strategy
Russell Midcap 5.14 5.14 50.84 8.81 9.18 8.42
S&P Midcap 400 5.07 5.07 49.10 6.83 10.71 11.76
Your Equities           2.12% 2.12% 37.02% 1.29% 1.36% -2.02%
a division of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith, & Co. Page 20
Performance of Other Managers
March 31, 2004
Qtr YTD 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 5Yr
Atlanta Capital Management Company - High Quality Small Cap Value 4.42 4.42 41.80 7.40 13.45 12.99
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Small Cap Core - Institutional 3.71 3.71 40.96 4.34 14.52 18.87
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Small Cap Growth - Institutional 7.23 7.23 62.64 4.96 11.00 9.07
Sawgrass Asset Management LLC - Small Cap Growth Equity 1.79 1.79 45.89 -0.62 -4.10 5.94
State Street Global Advisors - Small Cap Growth Opportunities
Wellington Management Company, LLP - Small Cap 2000 (Closed) 8.84 8.84 61.27 9.77 12.96 15.08
Russell 2000 6.26 6.26 63.83 9.39 10.90 9.66
S&P SmallCap 600 6.22 6.22 56.49 8.47 12.80 13.11
ICC Capital Management, Inc. - International ADR Equity 5.73 5.73 52.90 9.00 3.85 2.92
Oppenheimer Capital - International Value 2.74 2.74 46.82 13.50 7.88 7.83
State Street Global Advisors - International Index (EAFE)
MSCI EAFE 4.40 4.40 58.15 10.39 3.80 0.84
Your Equities           2.12% 2.12% 37.02% 1.29% 1.36% -2.02%
a division of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith, & Co. Page 21
Performance of Other Managers
March 31, 2004
Qtr YTD 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 5Yr
Atlanta Capital Management Company - High Quality Broad Market
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Core Fixed Income - Institutional 2.33 2.33 4.74 7.76 6.68 6.93
Freedom Capital Management, LLC - Core Fixed Income-Aggregate
Freedom Capital Management, LLC - Core Fixed Income-Gov't/Credit
HGK Asset Management, Inc. - Domestic Fixed Income 3.07 3.07 6.54 8.56 7.47 6.74
ICC Capital Management, Inc. - Core Fixed Income 1.63 1.63 3.62 7.25 6.59 6.94
INVESCO - Core Fixed Income 2.66 2.66 5.73 8.61 7.48 7.34
Oppenheimer Capital - Fixed Income 2.32 2.32 5.65 8.50 7.36 7.29
Rockwood Capital Advisors - Strategic Duration 1.41 1.41 3.41 5.86 5.82 6.30
Sawgrass Asset Management LLC - Broad Market Fixed Income 2.48 2.48 5.22 8.65 7.62 7.39
State Street Global Advisors - Bond Market Fund
Westwood Management Corporation - Core Fixed Income 2.08 2.08 3.65 8.11 6.99 7.10
Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond 2.65 2.65 5.40 8.50 7.44 7.29
Lehman Brothers Gov/Credit Bond 3.08 3.08 6.16 9.71 8.00 7.56
Colony Capital Management - Domestic Fixed 1.08 1.08 2.55 6.29 5.84 6.31
Davis, Hamilton, Jackson & Associates, L. P. - Intermediate Fixed Income 2.39 2.39 4.66 8.21 7.17 7.00
Eagle Asset Management Inc. - Intermediate Conservative-Institutional 1.90 1.90 4.00 7.11 6.55 6.83
Sawgrass Asset Management LLC - Intermediate Fixed Income 2.12 2.12 4.24 7.64 6.99 6.95
State Street Global Advisors - Intermediate Bond Fund
Lehman Gov/Credit-Intermediate 2.48 2.48 5.31 8.46 7.35 7.21
Your Fixed Income           2.57% 2.57% 5.13% 9.02% 7.73% 7.41%
a division of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith, & Co. Page 22